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    Dropdown Eval exception : getPhpOptions() Only variables should be assigned by reference

    PHP Version 7.3.26 Joomla 3.9.24 Fabrik 3.9.2
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    Dropdown Eval exception : getPhpOptions() Only variables should be assigned by reference

    I have a Fabrik Dropdown Element with the following code in the 'Advanced' tab: $options[] = JHTML::_('select.option', 'please_select', 'Please Select'); return $options; And I am getting the following message: Eval exception : getPhpOptions() : Only variables should be assigned by reference...
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    Undefined property in fileupload.php

    Hello! We had the same issue - this fixes it! Wanted to let you guys know.
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    "Copy Values" switch in Repeatable Group has no effect.

    I have a joined table in my list that is set to 'Repeatable', and the group's details has its' 'Copy Values' setting set to NO, but when I duplicate the group, the values of calc elements and elements that you don't have access for's values are still copied to the newly duplicated group... Any...
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    Repeatable List Join not saving or handling validation errors

    HA! I figured out what the problem was..... The databasejoin element that is hidden, in the joined group MUST HAVE 'Show please select' set to NO in order to work properly. Thank you for the help!
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    PHP form plugin and enqueueMessage when using Ajaxified list/form

    I've got a php form plugin that uses enqueueMessage to display messages after save is complete as so: JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($message, 'message'); Problem is....These enqueue messages do not get displayed if the list's form is ajaxified..... What method might I use to be...
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    Repeatable List Join not saving or handling validation errors

    I've set up joins before, and it was fine... there's something else.... I've got an warning/error that displays when I am experience the issue.... It reads: Warning: stripslashes() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in...
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    Repeatable List Join not saving or handling validation errors

    Ok - the child table does have a element/column called contact_id that links to the contact table's primary key[recommended]. It is currently a database join... would it work better if it were not a db join element but a field type instead? [EDIT] I tried a normal field element, and it made...
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    Repeatable List Join not saving or handling validation errors

    When you mention foreign key do you mean setting a foreign key in the database itself, or just the fabrik setup?
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    Repeatable List Join not saving or handling validation errors

    Using Fabrik 3.2 and j3.3.3 Join works correctly, but any entries after the first do not save even if valid and do not render after invalid submission attempt.
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    Bug: PHP warnings if validation failed in repeat group in any but first subgroup

    Another friendly bump here too.... we seem to be having the same issue
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    List joins or repeating groups ?

    Hugh, do you mean that the database itself must have the foreign key defined, or do we not have to have the foreign key also assigned in the database?
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    List joins or repeating groups ?

    I am using joined lists for repeating data, as opposed to repeatable groups, and am having an issue with the field that is joined not having the correct default value... This is happening only on creation of new records... what is the proper way to have the relational column be set to the new...
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    Allowed File Types

    This is strange, but I am having this issue again with fileupload v3.1.1... did the fix make it over into the fabrik3 version?
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    Inline Edit List Plugin & textarea element wysiwyg editor

    I have wysiwyg set to "yes", and can inline edit, but the wysiwyg editor is not displaying..... any tips?
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    Amazon s3 fileupload silently fails

    I have correct details in s3 settings, but nothing is saved to either db or to amazon, and no error is presented. Using j2.5.20 Fabrik Fabrik fileupload element v3.0.9 filesystem works fine..... image attempting to upload is attached.
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    Pagination broken in Admin Backend

    Using any template, non-ajax(standard) pagination is not working in Admin Backend but is working fine in Frontend... in the backend, the link is showing: (and does nothing except basically refresh the page with the same results) in the...
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    Ajax-Enabled List is removing values of elements after initial load

    I have an ajax-enabled list view that is based on the div-based view, but with a custom output. It seems that my output is being replaced by blank output after the data is done loading.... the normal $this->_row->data->tablename___variablename_raw syntax displays at first, but then is wiped...
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    User Registration Plugin for Fabrik 3.1 for J 3.x

    I can't seem to find this - where would I find it?
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    3.0.7 fileupload element not creating thumbnail

    Using the latest github.... and I cannot locate the file... should I not use the latest github?