Search results

  1. davez

    Fixed Cascading Dropdown on Edit

    See if this helps. This is a form plugin. Before the form is loaded (onLoad) $db = Joomla\CMS\Factory::getContainer()->get('DatabaseDriver'); $app = Joomla\CMS\Factory::getApplication(); $user = $app->getIdentity(); $user_id = $user->get('id'); $user_id_form = '{wic_users___user_id}'; if (...
  2. davez

    @ sign being stripped from text field

    I tried "raw" and "string" as the filter type and both those failed and stripped the @ sign. Banging my head before I remembered Fabrik's lovely placeholders.
  3. davez

    @ sign being stripped from text field

    Ran into an issue where the @ sign is stripped from text fields (I think by PHP8). Here's the work around. This is happening in a post processing form php plugin: Strips @ sign from email address: $release_email = $app->getInput()->get('wic_release___email'); Used placeholders to fix...
  4. davez

    Fixed Cascading Dropdown on Edit

    Found a crazy work around. Essentially, I wrote a form plugin that does the job of the "setting the user id by setting the row id to -1" feature of the menu form. Does seem like there is a CDD bug within forms loaded by setting the row id to -1 (for users).
  5. davez

    Fixed Cascading Dropdown on Edit

    I found another clue. The failed one is a menu form which sets the user_id by setting the row_id to -1. The CDD is working on Edit if you try to edit from the list itself.
  6. davez

    Fixed Cascading Dropdown on Edit

    Tried Cassiopeia. Still not loading. It's as if the JS isn't firing that loads the cascading element. But I'm not sure where to dig for that.
  7. davez

    Fixed Cascading Dropdown on Edit

    JS - All I'm getting is a Gantry error, but it's on the new form also: Watched values are correct. When the edit form loads, the loading spinner does not initiate. If I rselect the watched element and re-select the set watched option, the cascadingDD element does show the list of items.
  8. davez

    Fixed Cascading Dropdown on Edit

    I have a cascading dropdown which is not loading the saved data on edit. Is anyone else having this trouble? I recreated the element just in case. Watch elements are set properly. It works fine on a new form. Was working prior to my recent upgrade to Fabrik/Joomla 4.
  9. davez

    Copying a List without copying form, groups and elements?

    OK. What I did was create a brand new list, but linked it to the existing list/db table. Fabrik then creates linked forms, groups and elements for each of those, based on the existing definitions. This will probably work.
  10. davez

    Copying a List without copying form, groups and elements?

    (Wow, going through my second update of a very complex Fabrik from 3 to 4. 10 hours so far. Yikes. It is working!) I would like to copy a list and have it point to the same existing forms, groups and elements. The purpose of doing so is to create a custom search tool that is different from the...
  11. davez

    ReCaptcha Plugin Failing

    I tried just installing the F4 captcha plugin within F3. Same spinner spinning. So, I suppose it's standard captcha, if at all. Maybe the bots won't be scouring that site. Lots of validations which might cause the bots to back off. Thanks all.
  12. davez

    ReCaptcha Plugin Failing

    Thanks for the brief. Looks like I need to spend time upgrading. Putting this off. Lots of key features that can't fail, custom phps, javascripts, PDF writing, pushes to AWS, etc. Been working with Fabrik since the beginning. The mootools enable/disable plugin I found by Roberto Segura, seems...
  13. davez

    ReCaptcha Plugin Failing

    Do you know, by chance, if disabling mootools is going to cause errors with Fabrik?
  14. davez

    ReCaptcha Plugin Failing

    I guess Google just made something in their code incompatible with mootools. The question is how difficult is it to migrate a complex Joomla 3/Fabrik/Gantry site to J4/F4? I'm going to need to do it someday! Thanks so much, troester.
  15. davez

    ReCaptcha Plugin Failing

    Found a tool that will disable mootools. Seems like Fabrik 3 is loading it. The question is what is going to fail if I disable mootools?
  16. davez

    ReCaptcha Plugin Failing

    Looks like this is causing it to fail: <script src="/media/system/js/mootools-core.js?954ffa355be3e1075028792f168a4b1b"></script>
  17. davez

    ReCaptcha Plugin Failing

    I am getting this in the js console: utils.js:3 Fabrik form::addElements: Cannot add element "users___captcha" because it does not exist in HTML. Captcha is there. Just spins. Funny thing, the Joomla Contact form captcha is working properly. I'm having this trouble on four different sites on...
  18. davez

    ReCaptcha Plugin Failing

    I've been hesitant to upgrade to J!4/F4. This site I built about 6 years ago is super-complex, lots of custom php/js, etc. How is F4? I haven't even tried yet. I've moved on to a new career. Reluctant to do the upgrade.
  19. davez

    ReCaptcha Plugin Failing

    Anyone else having reCaptcha plugin failing today on Joomla 3.x, Fabrik v 3.10? Using "I'm not a Robot" checkbox. Just spins and spins. I'm guessing this is a Google issue. They may want folks to move to their Enterprise Edition. I haven't found a solution yet.
  20. davez

    Databasejoin extra <br>

    My databasejoin elements are displaying an extra <br> after the select. I've tracked it down to : plugins/fabrik_element/databasejoin/layouts/fabrik-element-databasejoin-form-final.php if (!empty($d->control)) : echo $d->control . "<br />\n"; endif; If I remove... ."<br />\n"; ...from...