Hi @troester
Never used the emailing function of this plugin (even in F!3) so I cannot tell.
However, for testing purposes, I enabled now and I will report.
F!4.2 + J!4.4.6
I am using the 'Fabrik Form - Log' form plugin in a couple of forms in my websites.
I realized that the DB table #___fabrik_change_log_types is empty while should have the log types.
Looking back in an old F!3.x I see there were 11 records as follows:
I don't recall to...
Yes, both my sites had Zeta installed
I tried to re-install 4.1 over 4.2 in one site and i got two fabrik base packages in update sites. One with download id missing. After re-build this one gone and the other is still shown without download id.
Something is wrong.
@achartier wrote:
"Please note: Some of you installed a development version of the 4.2 Fabrik Base package which was visible if you had your J! Updater set to Development Releases. If you were one of those, you must reinstall V4.1 over top of your existing installation, then install the stable...
Fresh downloaded 4.2 installed on a site with 4.0. Downloaded on July 5th.
Same things after "Refresh Cache".
Before install 4.2 i had "Fabrik" in Update Sites. Now I have what i posted.
i installed F!4.2 on my site which was on F!4.0.
After the installation I did rebuild of Update Sites and I refreshed cache for Fabrik.
Then I clicked on Fabrik Base in update sites to insert the download id but there is no field to insert the download it
Am I doing somethimng wrong...
Hi all,
We should not forget where we were 1 year ago and where we are now after the tremendous effort of the team who decided to take the lead and give us back this powerful component, stable and ready to work faultless with J4.x and recently with J5.x.
When we think about it, it will be...
Well. I don't know why but the issue was in $ip = '{fab_ratings___ip}';
Strangely it works only if I append '_raw' so the following seems the solution.
$ip = '{fab_ratings___ip_raw}';
Hi all,
Searching older posts I found the following thread which seems to be an approach to get the country using an API having the user IP.
I applied it creating a form using a calc element with the following code...
Hi all,
I have a form where the users provide their feedback for a website. The username is recorded through the 'user' plugin and the form element it's hidden. There is a also a isuniquevalue validation to ensure that a user will submit the review only once. So far so good.
However as long as...
I monitored the #_fabrik_log db table and seems that changing the length of the ip field to 15 was the solution as i haven't got any logs related to ip since then and ip with length = 15 have been recorded :)