Recent content by joit

  1. joit

    Content plugin doesn't work in form's / group's intro and footer text

    uuuh... thanks! sure thing... would it harm to enable it for form view by default?
  2. joit

    Content plugin doesn't work in form's / group's intro and footer text

    maybe there's something wrong in the way that I used the content plugin... Can you please have a look? this is where I used it in the backend /administrator/index.php?option=com_fabrik&view=form&layout=edit&id=13 it should be visible in the frontend here...
  3. joit

    Content plugin doesn't work in form's / group's intro and footer text

    "run Joomla plugins" seams to be enabled by default, so it's set. but it doesn't work. btw, I'm trying to get this running in a form
  4. joit

    Content plugin doesn't work in form's / group's intro and footer text

    would this be easy to fix? If not, I could find another solution. It just would be nice if it was possible to put data from another table in a table's intro text.
  5. joit

    Content plugin doesn't work in form's / group's intro and footer text

    is there a way to make this work? Thanks Hannes
  6. joit

    Does validation work differently on form's email plugin than on element plugins?

    so true! didn't expect this for yes/no plugin, too
  7. joit

    Does validation work differently on form's email plugin than on element plugins?

    I tried to use a placeholder like this return '{userdetails___premium}'== 1; but it doesn't work. Any idea? Thanks Hannes
  8. joit

    little php help needed

    uh thank you! I saw this but didn't get it. directphp could handle this...
  9. joit

    little php help needed

    Thanks guys, this works great! the only problem is, that I have links to menus in my echo stuff and these links get kicked out. This is maybe a problem of sourcerer. Any idea how I could bring them back? Edit: it seams that all kind of formatting gets killed
  10. joit

    little php help needed

    Hi, I want to display some content just for certain user groups in an article. This worked great for guest user groups but it doesn't seam to work for others: {source} <?php $user = JFactory::getUser(); if ($user->get('vendor', 0)) { // vendor echo '<p> jkhgjfdkhg </p>'; } ?> {/source} Any...
  11. joit

    no element placeholders in element's Default

    I should probalby as differently. I want to display the shop name (element userdetails___shop_nane) of the user with the id 1234 How could I do this?
  12. joit

    no element placeholders in element's Default

    thanks. so is there a way to make something like this work in the display text's default? return '{userdetails___shop_name} = {$my->id}';
  13. joit

    no element placeholders in element's Default

    aha!!!!!! default should be the user's id! I thought this comes with setting row id to -1 in the menu but there probably is another way. Is it some kind of {my->id} thing?
  14. joit

    no element placeholders in element's Default

    hmmm, it's in a display text element. Is it that what you want to know?
  15. joit

    no element placeholders in element's Default

    Hi, I have a display text element and I want to display a placeholder like in this example: In my case it's return '{userdetails___shop_name}'; and the output is {userdetails___shop_name} instead of the username. Eval is on...
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