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Form doesn't save records on edit at custom template

Why inputs are not saved on editing my custom form template?

  • Maybe because of AJAX, the record that I want to join (which is not allowed to edit) affects it.

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  • In the template I'm using perhaps wrong methods to present the questions in the form

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In my form I use calc and db_joins that use AJAX. At the custom form it seemed that all elements/questions should be echoed out and also not double. The database joins have AJAX, but I put the data_where on EDIT only, otherwise there will be an error on add new record.

On my new form template I'm able to add a new file, and to edit it also. But when I safe it I got this message: "You are not authorized to edit this record". And when I edit it again I see that previous inputs were not saved.

If I turn it back to the default bootstrap template I can add and edit the form without problem.


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Did you keep the structure in your custom template?
Especially did you keep the id element (primary key)?
In "<pre>"; print_r($this->groups); echo "</pre>" I can edit and and safe any record in my custom form template.

In the custom template I present all questions like this: $name = $elements['name']->element;
Also the id (hidden). And all of them work except for the databasejoin. When I exclude them the custom template works.

I don't know why it the databasejoins make problems: When I save the form the input is not saved.
Did you keep the structure in your custom template?
Especially did you keep the id element (primary key)?

Finally, I found the problem. You are right to keep the structure. I had all elements $name = $elements['name']->element; from the list.
And also everything echoed out. Except for $userid;

When I include the hidden $userid; I am able to safe the custom form correctly. So it's very important to call all elements and also to echo them in the custom form.