
You have a dropdown filter with more than "Filter list max" entries (100 =default)

You can change your filter element to filter type = autocomplete or you can increase the "Filter list max" in fabrik options.
I have changed it from 100 to 10000. The error is gone. But will that have any adverse affect.
I have changed it from 100 to 10000. The error is gone. But will that have any adverse affect.

Only if you really have 10k rows in the table you are using a dropdown for.

The reason for that setting is to prevent completely un-constrained queries. When we build the dropdowns for filters, we are potentially selecting all rows from the target table, and building an HTML option list for them. Obviously at some point, that list could is going to be big enough to either crash code on the server side (by exceeding your PHP memory limit), and/or make your browser page unusable.

So we add that limit setting to the queries that build the filter lists (by adding a LIMIT to the SELECT). It's then up to you to set that limit to something which allows for your largest potential filter list, without grinding your system / browser to a halt.

-- hugh