Testing Fabrik - moving from custom solutions to Fabrik


New Member
Hi there - i am new here...

I am a Developer too - more using custom ASP solutions - but after seeing Fabrik love it...

I am in phase of testing it but having problems (may be i misunderstanding or something else)..

1) Try to use calc plugin

I am having table/list with a column timh (that is in a repeated group that have parent_id) and i want to sum all columns of repeated group with ajax solution..

a. So i ve made up a calc field with the name grandtotal and put in that at More>Calculation this code:
if ($ainvoice > 0) {
$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
$db->setQuery("SELECT SUM(`timh`) FROM `invoice_2_repeat` WHERE `parent_id`={invoice___id}");
$total = $db->loadResult();
return $total;

This works when loads the form but never when editing/adding new items..

already checked ajaxed calculation and in textarea put this:

But not calculating when changing fields...

2) Try to use databasejoin...

I have two tables invoice and apothiki (items)...

a. I have element eidos with full element name: invoice_2_repeat___eidos
already setuped as databasejoin field
Autocomplete, table: apothiki
value eidos
label eidos

Searched databases and showing value eidos

b. but i want to show eidos and timh (concat label ok i ve made it) / but when checking to keep only eidos (cant make keep only eidos)
and timh (price) will go at invoice_2_repeat___timh
Hope to do that with autofill plugin... at form>plugins
but nothing came up with this Map Data:

3) All these tutorials you have at the site are there availiable for download anywhere ?

I Know that i am asking to much but all these answers need to know if i will keep continue with this tool. As i see need a lot of php coding and is not drag n drop or choice only but if have support and have solutions i ll use it.
1) That won't work when adding new rows, as they don't exist in the database yet.

2) I'm working on some issues with autofill in repeat groups.

-- hugh
1) Ofcourse... is there ajax saving ?

2) So will work at the time ... any other solution for that ?
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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