[SOLVED] related data with additional add function outsite parent list

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I ran into a problem with my parent list(deviation_standard) and related data list (actionplan):
Related data link works perfect from parent list, but my client wants to add records outside the parent list.
I've made some adjustments on the copy of actionplan with ADD function, because there is no related data in parent list. (default value of parent_id = 0)

The database join (parent_id) to my parent list will be overwritten, when I edit the main actionplan. The data is not related to the parent list.

How can I prevent the joins to be overwritten, when I have non related data?
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What is your exact setup:
- list deviation_standard
- list actionplan
- actionplan.parent_id is a dbjoin to deviation_standard

Do you have any list joins from deviation_standard to actionplan or vise versa?
Do you have any "data-where" in your parent_id element?

What do you mean with "I've made some adjustments on the copy of actionplan with ADD function, because there is no related data in parent list. (default value of parent_id = 0)"? The default is 0 anyway and a default is only set on new records, not on edit.
Hi troester,
many thanks for you swift reply :)
my setup:
- fab_deviation_standard (parent list)
- fab_cp1_aktionsplan (related data, List Label: CP1 Line Aktionsplan CP4)
- fab_cp1_aktionsplan-parent_id to fab_deviation_standard.id

no list joins - no data where
When I add an action to fab_cp1_aktionsplan outside the parent list, I've set the parent_id to '0' with eval. Just want to give a number to parent_id....

You can find details in my acccount.

Many thanks.
Not sure if I got the problem correctly:

You are adding a record directly via list "CP1 Line Aktionsplan CP4", which is not related to the parent list (parent_id=0)
If you are editing this record via the original/related data list "CP1 Line Aktionsplan" it's overriding this parent_id=0 with some existing parent_id (e.g. 487)?
Try to enable "Please select" in the dbjoin (maybe with additional Please select value =0, although I think this is the default). 0 is no existing id in the deviation_standard table.
Hi troester,
I enabled 'please select' and it works :) Sometime the solution is really too simple....
Many thanks.
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