Problem Ajax validation rules in form after Git update

Endless loading on an Ajax task -> usually there's an error message breaking the expected JSON string.
In the browser dev tools you can see "unexpected token <" which is coming from the message in the Network response.
In your case
<b>Notice</b>: Array to string conversion in <b>/sites/driihm/www/htdocs/SAVE/libraries/joomla/filter/input.php</b> on line <b>232</b><br />

But I don't know where this is coming from.

If you set Joomla's error reporting < maximum it won't display a "Notice" (but this won't solve the underlying problem).
Hummm, ok.

I note that if I set Joomla's error reporting to "None", I have no display problems or otherss. So I stay like this for the moment.
ah did you just change the error reporting - that would explain why, I'll switch it back to developer to test what is actually causing the notice.
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