Open a form in a modal box from a link in a calc element


I have a "base documentaire" List with a databasejoin element "section" and a CascadingDropDown element "categorie". The second depends on the first and two pick up their value in the table "section" join to the table "category" with repeatable groups for categories.
To add sections and categories from the form "base documentaire", I added an option "Add option in front end" for the element "sections" and I added a calc element "add a categorie" on the form.
This calc element has the formula:

return '<a href="index.php/boite-a-outils/base-documentaire/sections-categories/form/12/{t_docs___section_raw}"rel="lightbox">ajouter une cat?gorie</a>';

With Ajax calculation on "ON".

At the opening of the form "base documentaire" if I click the calc element and without changing the section element, modal box works well but it does not interest because the section is not determined.
However as soon as I change the value of databasejoin "section" in the form and then I click on the link of the calc element "ajouter une cat?gorie", the form of the section list join to categorie list opens well with the right section and categories, but in the same window and not in a modal box.
How to make this form opens well in a modal box?Thank you for your help.

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