Location of PDF form templates

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Well-Known Member
Now the details form template are in their own folder but there is still an issue for the PDF templates: they too have to be in the "details" folder to display correctly (otherwise you gat a 500 error : default template not found) but to select it in the form settings, the template has to be in the "form" folder.

Probably, to follow the new logic, they should be in "pdf" folder.
The select is wrong for the details layout, too.
It's showing (and storing) the form template names (so you'll get error 500 if there's no such template in .../details)
Hmm, it's still an issue on my site (lastest GitHub);
I've copied
views\details\tmpl/bootstrap to ...bootstrap-details
views\form\tmpl/bootstrap to ...bootstrap-form

the "Details view" select is showing the "form" templates
like jfq I see the correct form/details templates when I edit the form.

Probably, to follow the new logic, they should be in "pdf" folder.
PDF isn't a view though, its a document format, which means that in Joomla its not treated the same as form/details .
I think the simplest thing to do for now is simply to fix the dropdown so that it allows selection of the correct set of (detail) templates. (which ive added to github)
Ok, I was always selecting the "Details view" in "Admin templates" (in F3.0 the frontend templates are at the right side of the form;) ), but this is still showing the form templates.
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