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hide textarea


1. textarea does not have a 'hidden' option like most other controls. wonder why. would be very helpful.
2. i have a textarea in a joined (child) table. because there's no 'hidden' option i'm using 'access level' to hide it (in form view). this half-works: the 'text-entry-box' gets hidden but not the label.
Set also "Details view" access to hide the readonly version (setting the list view access will only disable the input possibility, the text is not hidden, you would see e.g. default text as readonly).

Not sure why you need to hide the textarea.
If you don't need this element you can unpublish.
i don't think i want to unpublish because it should be available on 'Add'. but don't want it visible when the child row is being edited - takes up too much room.
but i see now what you mean about details view.
For the elements missing a "hidden" option, I usually go directly in the database (via phpMyAdmin), find the concerned element in the #__fabrik_elements table (search on its ID) and set "1" in the hidden column. Every element can be hidden this way.

Of course, if you want to show it again, set this value back to "0".

Other solution is to add a new group in your form, set the display of this group to "Yes, but hidden") and move your element(s) into this group.