first element not showing when eval populate used


Active Member
you can see it on the campaigns tab on my test website that you have in the column for location.

whatever the first row is on the table, it doesn't show up (see screenshot).

if the first happens to be a multiselect field, then the first element from the list is blank and the rest are there.

ALSO, i am building both value and text fields in the array that i'm sending from the eval populate, however only the value is showing up (KYST vs. Keystone Resort for example). works fine if i hard code...

fyi i have included code in the eval populate to make it easier to edit, the included code is:
$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
$query = "SELECT loc_abbrev, location_name FROM mydb.mytable";
if (!$db) die('Error in query: ' .mysql_error());
$locations = $db->loadObjectList();
if (!$locations) die('Can not find location list: ' .mysql_error());
$return = array(JHTML::_('select.option','ALL','All Locations'));
foreach ($locations as $location) {
    $return[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $location->loc_abbrev, $location->location_name);

then in eval populate, i have this:
return $return


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I see it on your site, but I can't replicate it locally. Can you bump this thread when you've updated the ftp account to allow me to upload files?

i think the ftp acct i set up for you is working. i can log onto it and download and update files.
also please note the 2nd related issue hidden w/i this note... i can open a new thread with this if you prefer, sorry for putting 2 issues on the same thread.

ALSO, i am building both value and text fields in the array that i'm sending from the eval populate, however only the value is showing up (KYST vs. 'Keystone Resort' or 208 vs '2709 chataux dmont' for example). works fine if i hard code, but not on the eval populate.
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