every filled in form as PDF


New Member
Hey everyone,

I just installed your component as well as the PDF opportunity with dompdf. Unfortunately I only can use the PDF-button in the backend. There it shows me the PDF. On my actual website an empty page opens after clicking the button. Furthermore it is very very important for me to get my users the opportunity to get a PDF from every filled in form. At the moment it is only the entire list - but I need every form as a download pdf as well. Can anyone tell me please that it is possible to create a pdf-button on every page of fulled in form as all and if so, how it works? You would help me a lot!!

Thank you in advance!
WOW - that was easy! Thank you so much. One more question: is it possible to design this PDF? It looks not so nice formatted. For example there are question marks instead of a paragraph. And it would be fantastic if I could display a logo on every pdf.

Hola a todos!! soy nuevo en el uso de Fabrik y tengo un problema: Tanto en la Vista de Lista como en la Vista detalle cuando hago clic en el bot?n PDF me abre los enlaces ( ......./index.php/list/1?format=pdf&resetfilters=0 ) pero me sale este mensaje: No se pudo cargar el documento PDF - Cargar de Nuevo.

Alguno me puede orientar en como solucionar el problema.
