color change depends on the value


in a calculated field (field_a) I have the following code PHP

if ((int)'{tm_allenamenti___gg_scad}'>=1) {$spoints = "Scaduto";}
if ((int)'{tm_allenamenti___gg_scad}'<=-7) {$spoints = "Attivo";}
$spoints = "In scadenza";
return $spoints;
and it works.:)

Now I would like that if the value of field_a = "expired" the text color is red
if the value of field_a = "active" the text color is green
if the value of field_a = "maturing" the text color is yellow

you can do this?
php or CSS ?
Thanks for the answer
Unfortunately I was not familiar CSS, you can explain step by step where to put the code?

CSS in the cell?
In your code, where I put the color?
.my-info .mc_contract_products___billing_start {
.my-warning .mc_contract_products___billing_start {
.my-success .mc_contract_products___billing_start {
Thanks and sorry for my "bad" english
You can find a good explanation on the WIKI

If you are unfamiliar with css, be careful that these are both class names, the .my-success gets attached to the row and the .mc_contract_products___billing_start is the cell class

by following 2 class names you telling css to find 2 these classed nested one after the other. You should be able to check your names by looking in the browser debugger.

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