Can you include Fabrik Referrer in a list??


Well, I thought this would be easy.

I need to export values from a list. One of the values I would really like to have would be the Fabrik Referrer.

I have all of my email templates set up to capture Fabrik Referrer: {fabrik_referrer} and include that in the emails.

When I look at the list, I don't see the fabrik referrer. Is there any way to easily get this and include it in the list??


BTW - this is a one-off project so if it is really a lot of aggravation, I'll find another way to do this.
Troester - placeholder {fabrik_referrer} is not documented in the placeholders wiki.

Are there any other {fabrik_xxx} placeholders which will work?

And how is {fabrik_referrer} different from {$_SERVER->HTTP_REFERER} that is documented?

Its part of the $_POST array so I guess its usuable when submitting the form, {$_SERVER->HTTP_REFERER} would be usable everywhere though.
Unfortunately {fabrik_referrer} is not documented in the wiki page above - though it does describe
The URL of the previous page (HTTP referrer).

Based on your experience would you be willing to edit the wiki and document both {fabrik_referrer} and how it differes from {where_i_came_from}?

We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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