Article Update on Form Submission


New Member
I have the article creation plug-in installed, it is not 100% working, getting white screen after submission of the article. However the more concerning issue at this point is when an update is made a new article is created. If I just switch the plug-in to fire when a new record is inserted updates are not made. Is the creation of a new version of the article normal behavior when an update occurs? Can if be suppressed?
No, it should edit the existing article when editing a form.

Do you have the "Reference Element" set? And is there data in it? It should be a JSON string, mapping a category ID to an article ID, like ...


-- hugh
Hi, sorry for my late response. I am not completely following you, JSON? I am using an Article Template to create the initial article. I have referenced the article id and specified a category for newly created records. Even selecting the correct article id and referencing that on submission creates a new JOOMLA article. Doing updates creates a new JOOMLA article. Editing an existing submission creates a new JOOMLA article.
Your form must have an element (field) which is used to store the article id and the category id (in JSON format, so the element content is looking like {"123":"234"} where 123=catID and 234 = articleID).

This element has to be selected as "reference element" in the article plugin settings.
Sorry I must be really thick headed here. Hugh, the Internal reference you mention is that the Internal ID field that is automatically generated? I have used the ID field as the reference element (hidden).
I have a category field that I am using for the category reference, a database join field type, to bring the list of categories into a dropdown list (id is the value, titles are the labels). What am I missing?
is that the Internal ID field that is automatically generated
No, the InternalID is the primary key of your Fabrik list.
You need an extra field - the reference element - where Fabrik can store the infos (catID, articleID) the article plugin needs to work.
As Troester says, create a new field element, called something like 'reference', set it to hidden, and designate that as the 'Reference Element' in the article plugin settings.

-- hugh