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  1. urbido

    Get values of filters selection in JS

    Hello, I know there is a method for get filtered data in PHP with $model->filters['your-element-id']. For print list template we use in deafult.php: $myFilters = array(); foreach ($this->filters as $filter) { if(strlen($filter->displayValue)>0){ if($filter->label == "id" || $filter->label...
  2. urbido

    List PHP events - hide some rows, custom filter

    You didn't get me. I tried several ways to hide rows. Is there any way to hide/remove rows from list using php_events?
  3. urbido

    List PHP events - hide some rows, custom filter

    Hi, I have custom input in filters, which I pass on change in filter array. Then in PHP events (onLoadData) I take that custom input, process some data and change some rows. It works fine, but I would like to "hide/delete unchanged rows". I tried to do in in onPreLoadData, but anytime I do...
  4. urbido

    Apply, then SaveAndClose opens blank form (new record)

    Hi, I have problems with Save and Close button, which actually redirects one way back instead of to origin. Since Apply button reloads page, the Save and Close redirects back to blank form. I tried to modify code not to redirect "one-step-back", but to find List of origin and return back to it...
  5. urbido

    List module get its query

    Hi everyone. I am using custom functions to show filtered data in list (listid = 43) like this $listModel = JModelLegacy::getInstance('List', 'FabrikFEModel'); $listModel->setId(43); $query = $listModel->buildQuery(); I would like to get module (moduleid = 247) query, which I tried like...
  6. urbido

    Cascading dropdown repeat group error

    Thanks, that solved the problem, but now there is error when I have 3 repeat elements, their names are ...repeat_element[0], repeat_element[1] and repeat_element[2].. when I delete 3rd row (minus button), the seconds name is changed to repeat_element[0], so when I save it, the second row gets...
  7. urbido

    Cascading dropdown repeat group error

    Hi, I have error when trying to add and remove repeatgroup with cascading dropdown. Lets say I have 3 rows, add 4th, remove it, add it again and then there is error (from doWatch function in cascadingdropdown.js). I found that formElements are badly removed and is also changed in...
  8. urbido

    Orig_rowid and Orig_formid not working onBeforeProcess

    Hello, we use $app->input->getInt('orig_rowid', '') and $app->input->getInt('orig_formid', '') in php form module for reading the formid and rowid of main form. This is working great with the onLoad function, but when we use this onBeforeProcess both of them are empty. We found the solution...
  9. urbido

    New Logging function?

    Great plugin! Many thanks for this plugin...
  10. urbido

    Fabrik.removeEvent (or execute form.loaded ONCE, regardless on number of declarations)

    I am trying to load form programatically (with JS I do jQuery(".addRecord").click(); ) then I do timeout and fill certain elements with JS. I don't like timeout, so I wanted to fill elements in Fabrik.addEvent("fabrik.form.loaded",form=>{ var myParams,........}), but this code is dependent on...
  11. urbido

    fullcalendar mouseover

    Hey, I just find your question and found solution by myself. In fullcalendar.js, go to init function called "eventClick", copy it whole to "eventMouseover", but change self.clickEntry to for example self.mouseEntry and then define mouseEntry function by your ideas.
  12. urbido

    Bug: cascading dropdown element as autocomplete in repeat group

    Hi, we found a bug in cascading dropdown element as autocomplete for repeating groups. If there is watched element in the same groups for the second and more repeating group there is no "observerid" value located in autocomplete-bootstrap-cdd.js. For the first repeating group it is working...
  13. urbido

    UpdateRows doesn't work on empty list

    Hello, I have a function in form.submit.end, where you can send messages and create conversations. First time you use this, there is nothing and when you create conversation, it should updaterows in list of conversations, which works fine, but only when there is more than 1 row. If it is empty...
  14. urbido

    (Solution) List DIV template and row ID problem

    Hi, we have problem for the DIV template, when we need to have specific ID for each row. By default there is a same id of the last record in every row. We made a solution for it. in views\tmpl\list\div\default.php you have to replace on line 85 $items = array(); foreach ($group as...
  15. urbido

    Upload file element - chunk size - error: file type is not allowed

    Hi, I have problem with setting the Chunk size in upload file element. I´ve tried uploading a pdf file. When I set Chunk size every time I get error: file type is not allowed Without chunk it is working fine. Thank you for any advice.
  16. urbido

    (Solved)Uncaught TypeError: FbForm is not a constructor

    The issue is resolved, problem was in the second JS file where we imported pako.js twice.
  17. urbido

    (Solved)Uncaught TypeError: FbForm is not a constructor

    Hello, I have problem with this error in JS: Uncaught TypeError: FbForm is not a constructor. It´s showing when we have on our site another javascript from other function helping us showing 3d models. I don´t know if this because of the bad code from 3d JS or because there might be a problem in...
  18. urbido

    Advanced Filter and repeat groups

    Hello! I have list with databasejoin on one element (repeat). When I use Advanced Filtering (for Contains), everything works fine. Problem is, when I use Not equal, I get same result as Equal or Contains, but the biggest problem is when I do Empty, it doesn't show any row at all, but there are...
  19. urbido

    Databasejoin - incomplete data

    I increased execution time, it worked, but it is saving for almost 2 minutes. It's just one multiselect with +-100 records, it cannot take that long...
  20. urbido

    Databasejoin - incomplete data

    Thanks for the answer, big selects worked for detail. But now saving them is problem, I always get nginx time out, but I only save like 100 repeat records in that big select, which is not that much, or is it? Any way to debug this? Thank you for ideas.

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