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  1. actionwave34F

    Performance issue in "lists" and grouped data with many fields

    We have successfully developed an application based om fabrik and some other components. But there is always a but. When developing an additional master/detail form to input data in ca 15 fields per day over a month (31 rows) , showing that master/detail form takes 9.7 secs ( DB queries 0.068...
  2. actionwave34F

    Modal Form width from detail record link

    We have a master / Detail concept. One of the properties of details has a "add option in frontend " option that should pop up a modal box. It does, but we can't control width and position as by modals from lists.The property setting "add option in frontend " allows you to have a width setting...
  3. actionwave34F

    Data field is swapped to div from input when only readable

    When a databasejoin field by access rights gets only readable, it is generating as a plain div and no extra class indicating the access. It creates layout and positioning problems in forms not aligning well and a "poor" readability. When it is editable it is a fine nice select input element with...
  4. actionwave34F

    Save generated pdf file into server

    The user creates a pdf from the form pdf button and by default that file is downloaded into the browser. We have a need to store the file in that operation also to some specific location into server for archive/reference purpose. It will be linked to the form concept. I can't find any means to...
  5. actionwave34F

    Filter on sub group list

    Hi We need to show and edit on limited data for a "detail" table "inline" on a list in a fabrik module list. Can't make it work. One other approach is to limit the number of records listed in sub group list (details) of a master/detail concept. The details table have a lot of records over time...
  6. actionwave34F

    Backend List filters pane: "Search all label" default value must be empty

    administrator/components/com_fabrik/models/forms/list.xml Now the default is "All" and is overwriting if field is left empty saving list record and we have no correct translations of "Search" in FE search box. </field> /* patch 2016-02-11 Default must be EMPTY!!!*/ <field...
  7. actionwave34F

    List output as pdf in debug not using set template

    We are about to use simple pdf output of a list. Some 30 records and a lot of columns , some 20. When using pdf debug the output to the screen using the same template as set in the menu item but not the one set in the List PDF button definition. We need a sightly different layout in screen mode...
  8. actionwave34F

    fileupload in modal box not working for some file extensions

    We have a document function and needs to upload a number of different types ( defined in media manager) using modal box. "txt" , "zip" and "php" extensions are not uploaded and no records are added in xxx_repeat_documents table. Doing the same thing in page mode works fine. We can live with that...
  9. actionwave34F

    Modal box initial size too narrow

    Hi We have discovered when requesting the modal box popup from related data links in any random list , the width is too narrow. Se attached picts for one example. The right side is "cut off". Happens once after a page refresh. Not a big deal but irritating.
  10. actionwave34F

    HTML chars in tool tip for Popup list

    We got a weird tooltip when issue a list from related data (popup) . There are some <ul> and <li> tags plus the correct tool tip string. The whole string displays in the tool tip box. When changing row 1762 in models/element.php to $rollOver = strip_tags($rollOver); gives a nice presentation.
  11. actionwave34F

    Visualization calendar quirk

    Hi We present a lot of events in visualization calendar. Now in week view the events are initially "half way " displayed at first and if any move of page , like scroll, they expand to full width. But then some of them overlap and also cross the border to next day. Not good. I want to have events...
  12. actionwave34F

    Needed label translation for related data

    In forms and view we can have related data. The label part does not translates to other languages in /components/com_fabrik/models/form.php row 4226 We propose this change: $links[$element->list_id][] = JText::_($label) . ': ' . $referringTable->viewDataLink($popUpLink, $element...
  13. actionwave34F

    Get the table structure difference by two DB's

    Recently when integrating fabrik to production sites we have problems to detect changed tables (we have a lot of tables). Here is a neat SQL script to detect updates. Then you can jump unto backend forms and use "update database" for the tables that must be updated. select table_name...
  14. actionwave34F

    List sort setting in menu item

    We have a need to have different default sort settings in different menus. Now the setting is global on the list set in backend. Similar way as "Select" and "Prefilter".
  15. actionwave34F

    Modal windows not closing & Lists not updated by AJAX

    The probem is that Modal-windows not close and the list "behind" is not updated by AJAX. The data is written to the database and appears after closing Modal and refresh the page. After som testing this pattern appears. It's 3 field types that is making this when they are used as filters...
  16. actionwave34F

    Application error message in ajaxified forms

    Using $app->enqueueMessage($message); in php form plugins. In an ajax 'popup' modal forms not showing any message anywhere. I expected the message to show up somewhere in the form box. Wrong method to call? ANy hint?
  17. actionwave34F

    List page displays old content

    When refreshing a list page the content is not read from the database and updates the list but instead the old content is displayed. Though for a split second the new content is shown (there is a read from DB) but is overwritten by the old one. We have played with every setting we can find. The...
  18. actionwave34F

    php events in list , several operations

    We have a need to change behaviour of 2-3 fields per row in certain lists. But we can only operate on one field in one php event plugin giving the desired result. We need to have one plugin for each "operation". That is per design?
  19. actionwave34F

    Custom list template not loading opening modal box (popup)

    Have created a custom template and we need to adopt things in that, also css. But the custom_css from new custom template is not loaded opening the popup box. So I cant style it. Any solution? We don't want to touch the "mother" page css. Of course the new template is used issuing command from...
  20. actionwave34F

    Document download gives fatal error

    Catchable fatal error: Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string in /var/www/t/awbiz-test/plugins/fabrik_element/fileupload/fileupload.php on line 2325
We are in need of some funding.
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