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  1. M

    calc element and php 7.2

    I have a field with a simple calculation, but with the passage to php 7.2 a check is made on the fields and it returns the error "A non-numeric value encountered". how can I change the calculation to avoid this error? $mycalc=...
  2. M

    problem eval with 3.92

    a pre-calculated field with this: $user =& JFactory::getUser(); $userid = $user->get('id'); $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); $ip =str_replace(".","",$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $db->setQuery("SELECT id_allen FROM tm_sessioni_attive WHERE `id_ins` = $userid AND `ip_now` = '{session.token}'"); $result_val...
  3. M

    [solved]SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0

    when I change the data of a list with the relative form, I receive the error in question. The form opens in Ajax popup. No problem if i disable Ajax for link I try to update from github but it does not solve the problem Joomla 3.9.3 Fabrik 3.9 php 7 Thanks
  4. M

    Submit a form via a link

    I followed the instructions in this wiki: my link now is : /demo/index.php?option=com_fabrik&task=form.view&formid=47&tm_schede___copia_qui={tm_db_esercizi___id} and on click open form 47 I changed the link this way...
  5. M

    Submit a form via a link

    I tried to use the link to submit the form with a link: index.php?option=com_fabrik&task=form.view&formid=42&tm_gruppi___gruppo=rob but I get the error: Call to a member function getData () on null if I replace "process" with "view" I see the form correctly "form processing"....spoof in the...
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    new plugin 3.8.1

    Where can I find a wiki for the new plugins ,push notification and sequence ? thanks
  7. M

    Ordering in list

    In a list I'm using the order plug-in function and everything works. Unfortunately, this function can not be used on tablets and smartphones. Is there a possibility to order the recond of the list in another way? For example, adding buttons that move records up or down? thank you
  8. M

    Date plugin

    joomla 3.8.3 php 7 I have a date field where when I insert a date in the field es. 02/01/2018 in the database it is registered 01/01/2018, always one day less. The field is not calculated but a simple date plugin the value in the form and in the list is instead correct 02/01/2018
  9. M

    [solved]fullcalendar does not display the data

    I have two menus with two different views: "Pagina utente" plg calendar "fullcalendar" plg fullcalendar both take the data from the list 74 "calendar_allenamenti" with a prefilter on a field with the current user. calendar view, displays calendar data, fullcalendar does not display the data even...
  10. M

    Template aiax link

    ajax link opens a popup form with a template other than the default template. can you use the same default template? thanks PHP 7.0 Joomla 3.8 Fabrik 3.8
  11. M

    thumbs element not displayed in list

    Joomla 3.8 Fabrik 3.8 php7.0 thums element is not correctly displayed by template, colors are wrong and no high or low thumbnail is visible Probably overwritten .....?? I can not see the plugin in the plugin list again, I tried to reinstall it but it still does not work and I do not see it in...
  12. M

    calc field after update 3.8

    j.8 fabrik 3.8 after updating my calculation to calculate age does not work anymore. the field is white this is the calc : $date= '{Anagrafica___Data_Nascita}'; $date = strtotime($date); $now = time(); $diff = $now - $date; $years = floor($diff / 31556926); return $years; thanks
  13. M

    fabrik 3.8 fullcalendar

    after installation joomla 3.8 and fabrik 3.8 Full calendar visualisation the plugin does not show the calendar
  14. M

    Add record on load list

    I would like to load a list, add a record in a table with the same value as a list field, and with the current user in a table field. List A Table A fields :ID_2, user Add records to table A where ID_2 = Rowid and user = user logged in Is it possible to do this? Thank you
  15. M

    PHP and SQL insert data and placeholder

    Joomla 3.7 PHP 7.0 I would like to put a php in a list to add a new record that returns the same value as a field in the first record. this the code php defined('_JEXEC') or die(); $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $user =& JFactory::getUser(); $query = "INSERT INTO tm_schede (`id_allen`) VALUES...
  16. M

    [solved] calc element error on php 7.0

    This calc in php 5.6 work , in php 7.0 the page dont work and the error is : syntax error, unexpected ')' $m=...
  17. M

    Error calc element PHP 7.0

    After updating to php 7.0 with fabrik 3.6 and joomla 3.7 a calculated field sends the error page with the following message: syntax error, unexpected 'if' (T_IF) no problem with php 5.6 The php calculation is as follows: $ Dummy = '{tm_test___Vita}'; If ($ dummy <0.94) { Return...
  18. M

    [SOLVED]defaul value PHP placeholder

    I would like to load a default value to a field (emailuser). in eval mode I put this code and it works $myDb = JFactory::getDbo(); $myQuery = $myDb->getQuery(true); $myQuery ->select('Email') ->from('tm_anagrafica_clienti') ->where('id = ' . $myDb->quote('42'))...
  19. M

    [solved] scheduled task run only manually

    I have a scheduled task, but it only works if you launch it manually, it does not work automatically. I tried to task each minute for testing and access to the site several times. but it does not work. :(
  20. M

    [SOLVED}task SQL to update a calc field in the database

    I have a SQL query that updates the calc field in a table. The query is this and it works. update tm_allenamenti SET gg_scad=gg_scad +1 ,stato_allenamento = if(gg_scad<-7,'Attivo',if(gg_scad>0,'Scaduto','In scadenza')) where gg_scad<100 Unfortunately MySql does not allow me to create the task...
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