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  1. wuschel_lux

    wrong value in e-mail template after dropdown change

    Hi all, I have a strange behaviour in a form using Joomla 4.4.0 and Fabrik 4.0 Zeta on PHP 8.2.12. The form is writing with a PHP Form Plugin some data after some calculations to a db table. This part works as it should. In e second step an e-mail with a php template is send as confirmation to...
  2. wuschel_lux

    show/hide elements in a form based on a "config-field" from another table

    Hi, I am trying to have a form with each time different elements shown/hidden based on checkboxes set in an other table. Table A contains: ID | EVENT NAME (field) | REQUIRED_FIELDS (checkbox) e.g. 13 | Test Event | ["A","C"] Form B based on Table B ID | EVENT (databasejoin) | FIELD A | FIELD...
  3. wuschel_lux

    PHP validation rule on a field element

    Hi all, are php validation rules acting the same if used in an "element" or "form"? I have personalised generated link: send out to the participant. The system now needs to check if the Hash is in a table and...
  4. wuschel_lux

    multi page form - next button is running in validation "loop"

    Hi all, I created an evaluation form with multiple pages an I am facing an issue when coming from a list hitting ADD button. When I click on the button "next" an overlay with Validating and running circle appears but never steps forward. The form hangs. Any idea what could be wrong?
  5. wuschel_lux

    Repeat Group Table Layout

    playing around with repeat groups as table. The repeat group has 3 equal columns (2x field element and 1x checkbox) and each element has the same bootstrap class, but they are not distributed equal. Is there a possibility to influence the output? Cassiopeia Yootheme Pro
  6. wuschel_lux

    List is not generated when adding new form

    Hi all, just installed a brand new Joomla 4.2.6 instance running only with few plugins: Fabrik and Yootheme template. Install of Fabrik without problems. When I create a new form, the form is generated with: - groups - elements (id, date_time) but no list. In the DB I can see that the table...
  7. wuschel_lux

    counting checkboxes checked in a calc element

    Hi all, actually I have a voting form with more checkbox elements with each 2 options. Now I want to monitor in a calc element the number of overall checked boxes. My first attempt was to give the value = 1 to each option and run this code in the calc element: $c1 =...
  8. wuschel_lux

    fileupload element - ajax enabled - rename file

    Good morning, I am struggling with renaming my files when activating AJAX. Without AJAX my code is working properly and takes the JUSER_ID from the actual form $myJuser = $formModel->getElementData('tablename___juser_id'); $myJuser = $myJuser[0]; With the JUSER_ID, I do some DB queries to get a...
  9. wuschel_lux

    RESOLVED: Element -> JavaScript show/hide fields

    Hi all, I need your help for following scenario: Existing is a cascading-dropdown element, that when one of the values 15 | 20 | 25 are selected, an additional element will be shown, if an other vale selected this element is hidden. For testing with one number e.g. 15, I managed to do it, but...
  10. wuschel_lux

    multi page form - validation issue on

    Hi, I found this post ( and did also a multi page form as mentioned in the post. Only I run into validation issues for fields hidden by JavaScript. And yes the validation rule has validate hidden = No...
  11. wuschel_lux

    databasejoin element, limit to check max 5 checkboxes

    Hi all, I am trying to limit the user to not select more than 5 checkboxes, rendered from a databasejoin element from a different table as checkbox. There can be 20 checkboxes shown, but only up to 5 can be selected, else the from could not be send. The final idea would be to have a table...
  12. wuschel_lux

    [solved] copy record without running form php script

    Hi, Is it possible to copy a record in a table with the "list - copy plug-in", but not running a "php form plugin" in the corresponding form? The php script should only run on NEW or EDIT not on COPY. Thanks a lo for any hint.
  13. wuschel_lux

    SUM repeat group element to pay with stripe

    Hi out there, I am trying to build a basic shop to sell a few articles. Running latest Joomla and Fabrik, but I had to use git version to be able to run stripe form plugin. Short, I have 3 fields in a repeat group: - article (databasejoin) - quantity - price, calc field article price * qty...
  14. wuschel_lux

    Stripe - Parameter "source": "" is empty and leads to error

    Hi all, additional to the PayPal payment I would like to offer also Stripe... But here I get following error on the test platform: When I have a look into the Stripe Logs I fond following: Request-POST-Text { "amount": "15000", "currency": "eur", "source": "", "description": "...
  15. wuschel_lux

    PayPal form plugin - IPN status always pending

    Hi all, I read, the PayPal plugin is not anymore the preferred payment method for Fabrik and is still complex. But maybe there is someone out ho can help me out. The explanation video in the forum uses Flash, so I could not watch it. The problem in my Form is (for the moment PayPal Sandbox) is...
  16. wuschel_lux

    [SOLVED] PHP / HTML E-Mail Template Question

    Hi all, I struggle with a custom e-mail template. I started this to have a bit CSS included. I have a part where I ask in the form if parent address is same as kids address and depending on this vaiables value I want to show a text: same ass kid or if different show the parents address. Here...
  17. wuschel_lux

    databasejoin: show only persons from repeated group belongs to the parent person

    Hi all, I had some time ago raised a questions, an thanks to the community found a solution ( So I have a Parent person, who can register other persons (in a repeated group). So later in a databasejoin...
  18. wuschel_lux

    Calc-Element: when Orig. Field has Input Mask -> Ajax calculation does not work

    Hi all, I have a problem with calculation. I have e field with a so called "Matricule" (Format: YYYY MM DD XXX YY). With a calculation field I would like to deduct the Birthdate. The field Matricule is: plugin: Field format: text validation: notempty Input Mask: 9999 99 99 999 99 The...
  19. wuschel_lux

    dropdown element in repeat group does not store new values

    Hi all, I have a problem storing new data in a dropdown element, when located in a repeated group. An other dropdown outside the repeat group stores the values. Frontend edition: Enable -> Yes Only add label-> Yes Save new additions-> Yes Thanks for your help. BR
  20. wuschel_lux

    Set a status field depending on an value of an other table

    Hi all, I am trying again to do something new for me. E.g. a person wants to subscribe to a course, I have a field (dropdown element) only visible for Admins with the status. In the table courses, there is a field with the max. participants in. So when someone subscribes and the already...
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