• Holiday Schedule

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Search results

  1. stausen

    DB Join element autocomplete - only suggest please

    Hi, I'm not able to disable the automatic set value in my db join element witch works fine but it should give only the suggestions by typing... it shouldn't set the value automaticly when only one suggest leaves. Hope somebody could help me! Best regards!
  2. stausen

    Best way to store selected list data to a different form

    Hi guys, with an extern db connection I created a fabrik list with many joins and querrys. Now I'm searching for a way to store the data from the selected rows to another internal fabrik form. Is it in anyway possible? Because the data that should be stored in the new form with repeateble...
  3. stausen

    Display Date on the fly out of Timestamp

    Hi, I have created a new list with some joins to an extern db connection. Since two days I'm trying to display the timestamp linke "1466114460" as a normal date without modifying the field. I tryed it in the specific field element with the sprintf function and with the individual calculation...
  4. stausen

    Form databasejoin Element inner join

    Hi, I'm frustated because since two days I'm not able to get the right result from the form database join element. table 'Adresse' I need the field 'firma' as label of checkbox table 'Auftrag' I need the field 'kundennummer' as value of checkbox the join field in both tables is AdresseID...
  5. stausen

    where's the birthday plugin?

    Hi, I've got joomla 2.5 with fabrik 3.8 but there is no birthday plugin in the download section. There's only the birthday plugin for joomla 1.5
  6. stausen

    save form data in database not possible

    Hello, I got a Form which worked probably fine a long time. Sine I have added another cascading dropdown element it isn't possible to save the data into the database. In the backend the option is not editable anymore (screenshot). Could somebody please tell me whats wrong here? THX
  7. stausen

    how to fill the group field of juser plugin

    Hello, since 2 days I'm trying to use the Juser Plugin for my registration form. In dependency of the radio buttons the user should get in the right usergroup of joomla. I tried it with the javascript of the radio buttons. I thought of an onchange action. When value is yes the value of the...
  8. stausen

    get Label of one dropdown element

    Hi folks, doas anybosy know how to get the label of an name from a dropdown element? I'm progging in a seperate Joomla article with php I have the relevant value in a variable but I don't know how to get the Label of the value because it's not in the table of my fabrik form.