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  1. T

    CSV Export over Menu not working

    Tested on J4.4 and J5. Exporting CSV directly over a menu item gives 404 all I can see in Logs is this: 2023-11-03T16:28:41+00:00 CRITICAL error Uncaught Throwable of type Exception thrown with message "Ressource nicht gefunden.". Stack trace: #0...
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    Replace with Icon not in Details View

    Hi, in listview settings of a dropdown element (countries) its set to replace the countrynames with flags. Works in List as intended. In details view however, I want still the name of the country displayed... How to do? thx in advance
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    [solved kinda]Double Element Values after enabling Labels in Div List Template

    Hi Folks, When I set $this->showLabels = true; and reload the list, I see the labels in front of value for a second, but then it gets changed to the value itself. So, I have two times the value next to each other, and not Label: Value... Nothing else is touched in default.php... Anybody...
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    Cant save form in Community Builder

    Hi Fabrikants, I embed a Fabrik Form in CB's Profile Edit page by using a CustomHTML field with {fabrik view=form id=4 usekey=user rowid=[$my->id]} in it. So far so good, form is shown. But I cant save it. Also I cant save the whole CB Profile. Guess the two forms are conflicting each...
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    Community Builder Plugin

    Hi Folks, I try to set up a small Community using CB . But havin a lot of troubles though.... just wanted to ask: Is the CB Plugin usable with latest F and CB? I get: Too few arguments to function getFabrikTab::__construct(), 0 passed in...
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    How secure is Fabrik?

    Hi, saw some unusual searches to my page an started investigating... Found this Video on this fixed? and this: If not, can we fix it? I am worried..
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    [feature req] "require filtering" per menu item or module instance

    Hi Folks, I would love to get a "empty" list on one menu item where I want the user to use a filter first and (the same) full list on another menu item without filters existent. This would work easily if I had the "require filtering" option per menu item or module instance, and not only per...
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    [solved] Cant download PDF on ios devices

    Hi Fabrikants! I have a nasty bug, where the PDF download from details page work on Windows and Android, but not on (newer) IOS devices. When button clicked, just a blank page appears. Works on an older Iphone5, though... Using a custom template, but same issue using standard bootstrap...
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    "null" warning after to debug?

    Hi Guys, after updating to 3.8.1 from github I get a js warning with "null" as content when I open the form to add a record. (on frontend and backend). Everything works, but after many many hours of changing stuff, I just cant get rid of that message. Even when I reversed to 3.8 Fabrik, the...
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    Weird Date Picker Issue

    Hey Guys, Month and Days get mixed up when I select a date after the 12th. Really weird... example: When I pick Oktober 20th 2017 -> 2017-10-20 is written in field as intended When I pick Oktober 13th 2017 -> 2017-10-13 is written in field as intended But, When I pick Oktober 12th 2017...
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    [Solved]Date Field Calendar Popup button submits form

    Hi! I am havin the same issue as described here: Or here: In my environment the date field is in...
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    Issues GoogleMap Visualization

    Hi Great Fabrik Gurus the Sidebar for choosing the KML Overlay does not work properly: It is not possible to deactivate KML layers, the map always shows the Markers, no matter what. Clicking the checkbox again has no effect other than zomming widely out... On latest git Thanks!
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    [SOLVED]Slider plugin not working after ADD in repeated Group

    Hi, When adding a repeated group (in a Form) with a Slider Element in it....the new Slider Element is not working.... I cannot move the knob. After saving, it works...but thats crap ;). Think this problem is known, but unfixed for quite a while....or is there a solution?? Thanks in...
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    element name placeholder

    Hi, cant find it, sry. I need to use the element name (not label) as a php placeholder. In my case, I am using tooltip eval to display a tooltip from a fabrik list... Thanks so much!
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    Timeline Visualization Plugin Issues

    Hi great people coding Fabrik! I played around with timeline vis the last few hours and I came across some "bugs". (latest git version, j2.5, vis in blank article, chrome) I'd like to visualize the changes in data (last updates) so startdate=enddate 1) If the field has NULL value, entry is...
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    DropDown with NULL value

    Hi! as the title says, I need to store no value (NULL) when nothing is selected in the dropdown and form is saved. Now the dropdown always saves the value of first option... What I need is basically a "Please Select" option, that doesnt do anything. I found the eval option with return...
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    Clear filters in J! menuesetting doesnt work?

    Hi, I set up clear filters checkbox in J! menuesetting for loading a list....but everytime I search for something...nothing shows up untill I click clear filters myself...Is that a bug, or am I the only one with this problem? (Using Chrome, 24.08.2013 Git Version) Cheers & Thanks!
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    Fill Field with repeated group count

    Hi everyone.... pls a little support, before I bang my head against the wall all night. what I need is hopefully pretty simple. I need to fill an element value of a repeated group with the count of its subgroup (as two digit number). For example: There are 2 Subgroups. Field to be filled...
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    Resize Googlemap after load

    Hi everyone, when I load my form in tabs template and the tab with the googlemaps plugin is closed , the actual map stays in top left corner and doesnt fill out the canvas, even when I move it. (see screenshot) When I activate firebug it fills the canvas as it should automaticly. I think a...
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    Nearest neighbor radius serach

    Hi Folks, I need a feature ;). What Id like to have is a functionality to run a radius search on items of one list with items of another list. For example I have a list with locations of households and a list with supermarket locations. Now I want to populate an element in households list...
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