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  1. A

    Solved Apostrophe problem with display type field

    In a display field, I concatenate several fields and when one of these fields contains ' this causes an error, as if this apostrophe was considered a separator in the SQL query. Une erreur est survenue 0 syntax error, unexpected identifier "Arve" Call stack # Function Location 1...
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    After filter, edit a Fabrik line and return doesn't come back to the Fabrik list

    In general, by consulting a Fabrik list in the Joomla administration, the URL is: index.php?option=com_fabrik&task=list.view&cid=3 After applying a filter or sorting, the URL becomes index.php?resetfilters=0&clearordering=0&clearfilters=0 When editing a line, the URL is...
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    How do I refer the auto-increment ID to another field when adding a new record?

    I would like to create a record with a Fabrik form and I need to save the automatic ID also in another field. In fact, the Fabrik form will take action on 2 linked tables (not created by Fabrik) and, if added, I need to be able to create and link the records of the 2 tables by saving the ID of...
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    Fabrik visualization, Add Button only does not prevent double-clicking on the calendar

    In Fabrik, visualization, fullcalendar plugin, Options tab, the Add types Add Button only option does not seem to work. When I activate the Add Button only option, users can always double-click on the calendar to open the form. In fact, it’s for a booking system per day. And the problem is that...
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    Fixed No list created when creating a new form

    On a Joomla! 4.3.2, I just installed FabrikDelta4 and created 2 forms. In both cases, I got the following error message and no list created: Fabrik error storing list data: Field 'created' doesn’t have a default value If I create a list manually, everything is created again: the form the group...
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    In validation plugin "Is Greater or Less Than" how to use tip ans icon ?

    Hello. I was looking for how to change the validation icon of this plugin (I finally found in the plugin itself and not in the settings of the plugin in the form) but I wondered what use these 2 parameters "tip text" and "icon" because nothing appears or changes when I change these 2 parameters...
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    PDF -> "please select at least one filter"

    Hi! This thread talks about a bug... 3 years ago. I try today to print a list without success ... then I read this post and solved my problem. Can you confirm there's always a bug or can you tell me what I'm doing wrong ? Another question : In the PDF template, which file should I edit for...
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    Filter List Max - ordery by ... DESC

    Hi! I was confronted with the limit of the list of a filter (dropdown), whose size I have increased in global parameters -> lists. In the parameters of the field: Parameters view list -> Filter -> Order by, I chose "None", as the tooltip indicates. However, despite the fact that the order by...
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    [SOLVED] CDD and Eval options

    Hi! On the wiki page, I can read "Each option is an object and can be referenced in the eval code with the variable $opt. It has two properties $opt->value and $opt->text" But how populate several values ? Context : I have a first field with radiobutton to choose a date. Depending this first...
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    how to disable some dropdown options ?

    Hi! After reading and I try to disable some options in my dropdown, but it doesn't work. with...
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    [Solved] 2 checkbox Validation conditions

    Hi! I need to validate 2 checkbox min and max and I do not know what rule to use. The user will have 3 choices and he must select two, neither more nor less. What validation rule should I apply? Perhaps Is Greater Than or Less validation, but I do not see how the set for that. Thanks in...
  12. A redirection

    (english - google translate - below) Bonjour! Lorsque je valide ou j'annule la cr?ation d'un ?l?ment, obligatoirement, je suis redirig? vers Impossible de cr?er n'importe quel ?l?ment ?? J'ai pu cr?er un formulaire et des groupes, mais je suis maintenant...
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