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  1. N

    Dissallow date(s)

    Wizard Hugh helped me out with this funky bit of JS we use on an old Fabrik site.. function disallowDate(cal, date) { var today = new Date; var three_days = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 1; dayDiff = date.getTime() - today.getTime(); if (dayDiff < three_days) { return true; }...
  2. N

    Postcode lookup / address search

    Hi All, I'm looking for a solution on how to integrate a postcode lookup using Royal Mails PAF. I've found this which in its simplest form uses a jquery plugin to add fields etc but I can't get this to work with Fabrik. They have a pretty extensive API but this way...
  3. N

    Replace string php element validation

    Hi All.. A quicky for anyone vaguely more intelligent than me.. I have a number entered into a field..... when another field is set to a certain value I want to replace the last few characters with ****. Condition im ok with but the php im thick field value will be say '12345678'...
  4. N

    Submit button not working after save

    Hi All.. Bug or human error? When I edit a record... and click save the record is saved, but then If I click submit it just does the save as the save button and doesnt return to the table?... If submit is pressed first when editing then it works as normal. Regards
  5. N

    Fabrik Limitations?

    Fabrik Limitations? Slow search with multiple users on 50k record table Hi All, Im working with a 50K+ row table/list (increasing by approx 500-1000 per week). With approx 30 elements per row. The application, I wouldn't consider advanced, but in F3 and J!2.5.9 its seems much slower and cpu...
  6. N

    Error 500 details view using SEF URLS

    Hi all.. This one is causing me a big headache as it seems to be intermittent... (was, now is permenant) trying to view details in front end from list gives 500 error.. View not found [name, type, prefix]: details, html, fabrikView View details works fine in admin and when SEF URLS turned...
  7. N

    form validation before submit

    Hi Hugh, you wrote this for me ages ago but we never got it working.... its to check the list onBeforeProcess (php form plugin before any data is saved) if ((!empty('{table___email_raw}') && !empty('{table___postcode_raw}')) && '{table___order_stat_raw}' != 'order_paid') { $app =&...
  8. N

    Form redirect on validation failure

    Hi all. Is this normal behaviour? i have a form in a module. In F2 the redirect didnt occur if there were any validation failures? Regards
  9. N

    Query database in javascript calendar date blocker

    Hi all, hoping someone can help me with this one... Hugh, the jedi master wrote this script for me a while ago to dissallow dates in the calendar.... function disallowDate(cal, date) { var today = new Date; var three_days = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 1; dayDiff = date.getTime() -...
  10. N

    calendar popup when clicking on date field

    Probably something im doing wrong but in F2 I could click on the date field box aswell as the icon to show calendar when 'Allow typing in field' is set to no. Doesn't seem to work on F3? Any pointers? Thanks in advance.
  11. N

    internal server error inlineedit

    Hi All I'm having an issue with inline edit showing Internal server error when trying to edit data. click to edit field... pop up to change data... data changed... click save... loading bar spins a few times then internal server error appears in edit popup. press cancel to close box. Data is...
  12. N

    CSV export calc problem..

    Issue... Exporting CSV returns calc element data as '0' If I include the elements with the calc is run from then data is correct (with include calculations on or off) If I include just the required elements (with include calculations on or off) the result is '0' I would like to be...
  13. N

    Calc element stop rounding

    Hi All, This is prob an easy one for everyone even a slight bit more intelligent than me! I have a calc element with the calculation return (int)'{table___weight}'-'{table___weight_nok}'; table___weight & table___weight_nok are set as decimal fields. how do I stop the calculation rounding...
  14. N

    Module form redirects to

    Hi all J2.5.9 F3.0.6.3 I have a form which works ok when in main component area, but when its in module position, clicking submit redirects to which obviously gives a 404 error. Doesn't process or save any data. I have no redirects set for the form. Why would it...
  15. N

    SQL WHERE statement (catid prob)

    Hi all, this maybe a simple one, but im struggling to work it out.. in Fabrik 2 I had a database join 'WHERE sectiontid = X' to filter articles This showed everything in all categories in that section. When I use this in J2.5 and Fabrik3 as they are all nested categories I don't get the same...
  16. N

    Field Element for data such as postcode or bank sortcode

    Hi All, Ive had a look round the forum but can't find a solution, hoping some one can give me a pointer.. I'm looking for a solution to be able to enter data in separate fields within a single element. Data such as a postcode [XX11] [1XX] for example or sortcode [11] [22] [33] The data separator...
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