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  1. M

    can i delay the Ajax call for a calc element?

    Hello, I have a calc element that calculate a total using data from several dbjoin and field elements. Works fine most of the time, but sometime the calculation is keeping the old calculated value, it's like it skip the "change" action for an element. So I was thinking there is a delay in...
  2. M

    Total element doesn't work with dbjoin elements?

    Hello, I need to have a total of the Price element in a repeat group, but I can't make it work with dbjoin elements, the saved value in database is always 0 (0 is not even my default value for this element). Works fine using a field element instead of dbjoin (the values are saved to the...
  3. M

    Form events are still available?

    Hello, I want to run an event every time the form is submiting data but I can't make it work, nothing happen, not even the alert. I created form_1.js in components/com_fabrik/js folder and added your example. Tested also on load. Fabrik.addEvent('fabrik.form.submit.start', function(form...
  4. M

    Not empty validation for GPS coordinates

    Hello, I have the following not empty validation applied for several elements that should check if another field element is not empty. Works fine for any value (text, number etc) except GPS coordinates like 44° 25' 36.363" N 26° 6' 9.138" E. After Submit I get this error: I tried to...
  5. M

    List with date_time as filter - calendar appear in top of page

    Hello, Please check the date_time calendar in list view, it will appear on top of the page instead being near the element (filter type: range). Default joomla template, bootstrap template for Fabrik, no changes in css. Thank you
  6. M

    Php validation error

    Hello, I get this error message using a php validation for an element (field element in this case): This is the code for validation, works fine in J3: if ((int)'{contracts_tool___buget_facturi_raw}' == 0) { $this->setMessage('Bugetul de facturi nu poate fi 0 sau necompletat'); return false; }...
  7. M

    How to get groupid?

    Hello, I'm trying to move my website from 3.1 to 4.2 and I have several errors in page, the code has been changed drastically and many old syntaxes need to be rewritten. For example, I'm getting this error the id of the group was retrieved in 3.1 using this syntax, doesn't seems to work...
  8. M

    Fixed placeholder for $repeatCounter

    Hello, Is there a placeholder to use in a where clause instead of $repeatCounter? I need to get the index of a dbjoin element in a repeat group and I don't know how. "Ajax update" is enabled for this dbjoin element. Thank you
  9. M

    How to set a default value for a radiobutton?

    Hello, I'm using the "Advanced" option for a radiobutton element in order to create some options, but I need to set a default value and I don't know what attributes should I add in order to set an option as "selected". This is my code: $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $db->setQuery("SELECT...
  10. M

    How to not trigger the loading spinner in form

    Hello, I'm using the following code to toggle a textfield in form. Works fine if the loading spinner is disabled in form, but if it's enabled then every time I click on "Add street name" button the spinner is triggered like the form is trying to submit information. I need to keep the loading...
  11. M

    Missing js folder in site/components/com_fabrik

    Hello, J4 fresh installation, fresh Fabrik Zeta installation, the folder js in site/components/com_fabrik is missing, don't know where to add a form_1.js file. It doesn't appear even in the zip file in the zeta package. It's been moved? Can i create it manually? Thank you
  12. M

    Problem with dbjoin as multiselect in bootstrap_tabs template

    Hello, Please take a look at the bootstrap_tabs template in Forms, multiselect dbjoin elements with "enhanced dropdowns" option enabled are rendered as in picture below. Works fine for default bootstrap template. Fresh J4 installation, Fabrik Zeta, Php 8.2. Thank you.
  13. M

    Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property PlgFabrik_ElementInternalid

    Hello, Enabling Joomla Error reporting to Maximum will display some info about deprecated values. Fabrik Zeta, Php 8.2, J5. Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property PlgFabrik_ElementInternalid::$tmpl is deprecated in C:\webserver\Apache24\htdocs\mysite\components\com_fabrik\models\form.php on...
  14. M

    Radiobutton error in an repeat group

    Hello, It seems to be an error using radiobutton in an repeat group, the values can be changed only for the first group. How to replicate: add a radiobutton element with 2 or more values in a repeat group. Press the + button and try to click on values in the second group, the clicked value...
  15. M

    WYSIWYG editor disappear when a group is duplicated

    Hello, Fresh J5 installation, Fabrik 4.0 Zeta, Apache 2.4.58, PHP 8.2.11, default theme for Joomla, bootstrap_tabs for Fabrik. When I duplicate a group that contains multiple elements with visual editor enabled, the editor is available (for the cloned group) for only one element, not for all...
  16. M

    How to search for older records with prefilters applied?

    Hello, I have a list with over 150k rows visible for a specific group of users. In order to limit the amount of rows loaded each time the list is accessed, I have added a prefilter to show only the records for the last year: field: date_time condition: greater than or equals value...
  17. M

    ajax update slow with large data

    Hello, I have 3 dbjoins rendered as dropdown in my form: county, city and street name. City and street name are populated based on previous selection. Works fine for city but the ajax upload is very slow for street names, for example if the dbjoin should display over 4000 street names it takes...
  18. M

    Show/hide button in list view

    Hello, I have a List with a php plugin enabled that will display a button for sending emails (run some code then send e-mail). The button is set to be visibile for a specific Joomla viewlevel but I need more, I need to show this button only if there is a specific value selected and saved for a...
  19. M

    How to disable submit button if session expired?

    Hello, I've searched the forum for an answer and I found this post but it's about cookies, not session. I don't know how to get the session status in javascript in order to disable the submit button and display an alert for users when they try to submit the form but meanwhile their login...
  20. M

    ajax update: get element value from main group

    Hello, I have a form with a main group and few repeated groups. In the main group there is a dbjoin element that retrieve data from database. In the second group there is another dbjoin element that should get the value from database and filter the data based on the main dbjoin element value...
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