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  1. mvilela

    count the number of times another field was repeated

    I used this script in a calculation field to count the number of times another field was repeated. I don't know if it's because I updated to the latest versions of Joomla/Fabrik that it doesn't work. Any suggestion $fac = '{hora}'; $mydb = JFactory::getDbo(); $query = $mydb->getQuery(true)...
  2. mvilela

    plugin php_events - email onDeleteRows

    Joomla 4.3.3, FabriK 4.0 delta 3, PHP 8.1 XAMPP for Windows 8.1.17 Sending an email onDeleteRows I always get the error: 0 Call to a member function get() on null I'm using the code I collected from the Wiki $data = $model->getData(); foreach ($data as $group) { foreach ($group as $row) {...
  3. mvilela

    Total plugin formatting box size

    Joomla! 4.3.2 Stable [ Bora ] 30-May-2023 16:00 GMT PHP Version 8.1.18 Fabrik 4.0 delta Template Helix Ultimate 2.0.13 Where can I set the box size of the Total element?
  4. mvilela

    Error in Lists "Advanced Search"

    In lists with "Advanced Search" it reports the following error: "Notice: Undefined property via __get(): _registry in C:\xampp\htdocs\ases\components\com_fabrik\models\listfilter.php on line 625 in C:\xampp\htdocs \ases\libraries\vendor\joomla\registry\src\Registry.php on line 880"
  5. mvilela

    after update to joomla 4.3.0 DO NOT use the Fabrik backend admin

    after updating this message appears 1364 Field 'id' doesn't have a default value In Fabrik backend "Fabrik cannot find files required for this version of Joomla. DO NOT use the Fabrik backend admin until this is resolved. Please visit our web site and check for announcements about this version"
  6. mvilela

    Help with Email List Plugin

    Xampp, PHP 8.2.0, joomla 4.28k, fabrik_4.0gamma2, template Cassiopeia Is it possible for the user to write in the body of the message? In my case I am not getting it.
  7. mvilela

    Juser form plugin dont work - id' doesn't have a default value

    Xampp, PHP 8.2.0, joomla 4.28k, fabrik_4.0gamma2, template Cassiopeia When I try to register a new user I get an error message - UNABLE TO SAVE USER INFORMATION 'Field 'id' does not have a default value
  8. mvilela

    error - 0 syntax error, unexpected token "private", expecting end of file

    Xampp, PHP 8.2.0, joomla 4.28k, fabrik_4.0gamma2 When I want to create a new element, whatever the list reports this error - 0 syntax error, unexpected token "private", expecting end of file how to solve?
  9. mvilela

    plugin databasejoin -

    Xampp, PHP 8.2.0, joomla 4.28k, fabrik_4.0gamma2 How to disable edit when enable add in front end
  10. mvilela

    Problems with validations on hidden fields.

    In the form I have a "databasejoin" field for data entry a "calc" field is used to validate "isuniquevalues" the data from the databasejoin (hidden) field When submitting the form the validations work but the msg do not appear I activated a validation in the field databasejoin...
  11. mvilela

    counter by option/time

    I'm not a programmer and I've been using Fabrik with its friendly features. My club has created a form to register for sporting competitions that take place at different times How to limit the number of subscribers per hour? Thank you for your help
  12. mvilela

    Very slow listings

    What could be the cause that the visualization of the listings is very slow. In this case the database has 43 records and it takes about 1 minute to show the records. Using the ArtTable module is instantaneous.
  13. mvilela

    Bug or not in the definition of the delimiter Import CSV

    In the list definitions, I chose the delimiter ";". However, when importing in the front-end the delimiter remains ",". How to put the ";" by default ". Best regards,
  14. mvilela

    List-Order and record the order in different groups of the same list. (view image)

    I need to sort the different groups in a list where records are added at different times, so the order must be updated whenever the list is displayed on the page. I can easily establish order. I can't get the Rank field to write that order and update it every time the list is updated. I can't...
  15. mvilela

    A list with different names

    I have a list of different additional qualifications via menus. Is it possible to assign different names to each listing viewed via the menu?
  16. mvilela

    problems with the calc plugin

    In the field '{aaa_inscritos___iban_cal}', plugin "cal" I have this instruction for automatic choice according to the type of '{aaa_inscritos___prova}' and '{aaa_inscritos___ano_idade}' It happens that: Even if the field '{aaa_inscritos___prova}' is different from the ones indicated, information...
  17. mvilela

    limit the number of subscribers to 6 users per "Schedule"

    I created a form to register for the club's sports events. Among the various fields there is the field "Schedule" (databasejoin-with indication of the times) where the user chooses the time of his test. How to limit the number of subscribers to 6 users per "Schedule"
  18. mvilela

    Error copying table

    I am trying to copy a list and the same error always occurs An error has occurred 0 cascade dropdown: no id found in 69,132,127,66,59,60,62,61,68,63,344,64,76,67,285,125,479,308,311,134,228,339,312,65,503,612,497,620,693,72,628,636,70,245,628. Return to Control Panel. Do not create table...
  19. mvilela

    Email form plugin error

    Email form plugin error When enabled it only sends mail if the address is from the domain. Does not send to emails foreign to the domain. Could not execute: / usr / sbin / sendmail Could not send email to ******** Could not send email to *******.***
  20. mvilela

    How to limit the number of registrations per team.

    How to limit the number of registrations per team.
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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