Dropdown Help Please


New Member
Hello, I wanted to ask how I could make it so that when selecting an option from the dropdown, all the information related to the selection appears.

For example, I have a person in that database, and when I select them, I want all the related information to appear.
It depends on what you want (only show information, copy information...)

You can use a dbjoin with "or concat label"
You can use a dbjoin with Advanced/Description field

You can use the autofill form plugin.
Probably you just need to set a filter (person) to your list and set in the filter option 'Requiring filtering` to yes. The result will be the list with only displaying this person.

Step by step:

1. In your element person-name set under 'list view settings -> filters' filter-type =dropdown


2. Afterwards set all elements you want to show to 'show in list = yes'

3. Go in your list settings and select under 'details->filters' the option 'Requiring filtering' to yes.

4. I would propose you change under 'details -> layout' the frontend template to 'div' (or maybe you create a custom template)