Recent content by RupertTHEbare

  1. RupertTHEbare

    Can I also do the output with Fabrik?

    Wot you lookin at Willis? O0 By the way... I'm back. Did you miss me? Oh, and my signature will be changing since I am currently setting up and transferring to my own Linux (Centos) box. RTB.
  2. RupertTHEbare

    Can I also do the output with Fabrik?

    SVN 574 now produces this from Joomla! search... Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in G:\xampp\htdocs\Joomla\plugins\search\fabrik.php on line 148 From my search shell, PixSearch, I get nothing returned in normal search mode and in advanced search I get the same error...
  3. RupertTHEbare

    Can I also do the output with Fabrik?

    Well, the way I had started off thinking I would do it was to simply use Joomla!'s search engine (via PixSearch which shows up instant matches), to display any matching data and use the Fabrik data entry form to display the record content, which is essentially what was happening until SVN 569...
  4. RupertTHEbare

    Can I also do the output with Fabrik?

    But after updatng to tonight's SVN, Hugh, I see something else has also crept in, I think it is in line 145 of the search plugin. I am using PixSearch which is just a shell for Joomla's search but I have also tested Joomla's search too, and the result is the same. When I now do a search...
  5. RupertTHEbare

    How to do condition drop-down's that link to a database

    Bump... Like a fool I already wrote my glowing report on Fabrik on Joomla so now I can't blackmail you with that one to get an answer about having Fabrik pick up user entered city names from a form and migrate them to a table for use in a drop down list by the next user.... :( RTB.
  6. RupertTHEbare

    Can I also do the output with Fabrik?

    Aha, yes, as you quite rightly spotted... I missed that. Pppphhhfffffssssttttt! What was that? I think it was the rest of your answer passing over my head... ??? RTB.
  7. RupertTHEbare

    Can I also do the output with Fabrik?

    Brilliant, Hugh, just what I wanted. I can live with the "AND" "OR" situation until Rob has time to sort it out but one thing I do have a problem with is that, in the advanced search, I am given a tick box to search "Fabrik/record"and/or other content. Ideally, I would like to be able to...
  8. RupertTHEbare

    Can I also do the output with Fabrik?

    I found them there, took them out and used 7-Zip to make an archive of them. I also tried the same thing with WinZip and got this message when I tried to install them both... Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::store() in...
  9. RupertTHEbare

    Can I also do the output with Fabrik?

    I have 12 search category plugins in Joomla, Hugh, and none of them have anything to do with Fabrik. Is this a very recent addition to Fabrik2 or did I miss something somewhere? RTB.
  10. RupertTHEbare

    Can I also do the output with Fabrik?

    Not yet. Can you point me to somewhere I can read up on how to use it? I've tried searching the forum but there certainly seems to be a certain amount of uncertainty about that. At least of that much I am certain... :rolleyes: RTB.
  11. RupertTHEbare

    Can I also do the output with Fabrik?

    Our users enter reports into a "jos_forms_incidents" MySQL table via a Fabrik2 entry form. Now I want to give a class of registered users access to the information contained in the reports and make them searchable. My idea was to let them search the material as if it was content...
  12. RupertTHEbare

    Web Developer Firefox Plugin -- must have tool!

    Sir, I shall bow to your superior knowledge on this and many other subjects, no doubt... ;D RTB.
  13. RupertTHEbare

    Web Developer Firefox Plugin -- must have tool!

    Although this plugin is not directly related to Fabrik, it will definitely help you developing your forms/site quicker and with a lot less head scratching in between. Great little tool as it is, I find the Firebug interface kinda hard to understand sometimes, but the "Web Developer Plugin"...
  14. RupertTHEbare

    How to do condition drop-down's that link to a database

    Rob, I am not sure that I am asking a question that, even if/when I get an answer, I will be able to understand and implement, but here goes... I now have a table of 237 countries each with an ISO ID which my Incident Report form opens with a database join. Since I want users on my site to be...
  15. RupertTHEbare

    Joomfish Problem

    I am sure he will need the SVN files, I didn't say he didn't need them, I just asked where he got the information he needed them from. It wasn't previously in the thread nor in the link I gave him. And because of the additional problems he was/is now having, I was trying to find out exactly...