Optimizing a function on my list.[Solved]


I need an element in list A that links to a record in list B based on a multiselect dropdown element that matches
a value selected by the user on the form for list A.

I have managed to do it by creating a calc element that calculates the row id from list b using a query, then using a database join element to display the link.

The problem is, when I set ajax calc to yes the cpu on the server gets maxed out when a user looks at the list.
If I set the calc element to only calc on save I need to edit and save the record before a value can get returned.

I'm looking at another way to do it using form php plugin and a field element to display the link.

I set the query in the form php plugin that returns the id for the row in list B.
But I want to use a different value in that recond as the label and I want to also link to the corresponding record in list B from list view in list A.

Anyone know of a way round this? I'm not sure if I can use eval'd php in the field element to do this as the value has already been set in the database after the onafterprocess query has been run.

Any ideas?
I don't know why I failed to realize this, but just getting the php onafterprocess query to fill the value for the database join element is the solution.